About Hair By Dejau

Hair By Dejau Is Your Resource For ......

Cranial Prosthetic Units

Hair By Dejau provides quality cranial prosthetic units for those experiencing hair loss due to medical challenges and (or) due to chemical damage.

There are many medical conditions that may lead to hair loss such as: alopecia ,ringworm, thyroid disease, and hair-pulling disorder just to name a few. In addition, hormonal changes can also lead to hair loss. It is well known that those undergoing cancer treatment may also experience hair loss. At times it can be a result of chemical damage, genetics or poor diet.

No matter the cause, hair loss can be devastating. Without hair, many feel like they are less than themselves. They may even feel less attractive.

This could ultimately lead to feelings of depression and low self-esteem. The loss of hair not only impacts one's physical appearance, but it also affects their emotional and mental well-being.

With a custom cranial prosthetic unit. You can feel like yourself again. When you look in the mirror with your custom cranial prosthetic, you will once again feel like yourself.